Amanda Miller
Laura Bristo

Academic Success

Peace of mind. It’s important to know your child is receiving a quality education. Not only do we provide an outstanding academic curriculum, but we provide it in a Christian environment with nurturing teachers and solid principles of knowledge, faith and excellence. Our teachers emphasize both Christian character and exceptional academics because we believe preparation for a meaningful life requires both. Spiritual life at WCS is based upon non-denominational principles found in the Bible. Through an expectation of leadership, conduct and academic integrity, we will inspire your child’s heart, mind and soul and offer a place for you to blend faith, family and education into one.

An instructional method can be defined as the process by which instruction occurs, whether that is lecture, class discussion, simulation, experience or individual projects.  Instruction is face to face instruction with degreed, certified teachers in all subject areas. We integrate the Texas Essentials Knowledge and Skills lessons into our curriculum. The basis and foundation for the curriculum used as a tool to carry out the mission of WCS is drawn from the word of God. Because “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” every principle of language, math, science, social studies, as well as athletics and arts is related to the truth God has revealed to human kind in Holy Scriptures. God’s “eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in the creation” (Romans 1:20). Therefore, the best efforts of human study, what has been learned from human experience, and what is encoded into the educational standards adopted by the state all point to the wisdom and power of God.

Achievement Testing

  • We administer what is called Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) testing twice per year, once in September and again in the spring. MAP testing is a part of NWEA assessments which are designed to target a student's academic performance in mathematics, reading, language usage, and science.  MAP testing is done for all students K-11 (Seniors do ACT & SAT because we want them to focus on college admissions and college prep tests, prep actually begins as Juniors), and is a computer-adaptive skills assessment that provides parents, teachers, and administrators with metrics to measure a student's academic growth and progress.
  • Juniors and Seniors concentrate on PSAT, SAT and ACT.
  • Kindergarten  and first grade administer the TPRI (Texas Primary Reading Inventory) to their students three times a year to gauge reading readiness.


  • High percentage of our students attend a four year college
  • Four commended National Merit Scholars